To The Academy
To the Academy tells the story of an eminent professor and a dancer who feel their audience slipping away during a lecture-demonstration on Indian theatre. The two must desperately draw from sitcom, song, video, and the music hall to make their wildly provocative points. This multimedia spectacle only becomes more unpredictable as the lecture goes on.
Inspired by Kafka’s short story, “A Report for an Academy,” and the ancient Sanskrit treatise on performance, the Natyashastra, To the Academy explores the limits of identity politics and the business model of education. Third Space Performance Lab’s new play challenges its audiences with questions about the tiny world of academia and the big world around us.
Written and Performed by Marc Gomes and Shanti Pillai
Sound Design: Michael Costagliola
Projection Design: Wlad Woyno
Scenic Design: Jason Simms
Production Manager: Ann Marie Dorr
Dramaturg: Amy Holzapfel
Direction Consultant: Kym Moore
Production Design Assistant: Nicolle Mac Williams
Projection Videography: Arjun Pothuri and John Murphy
Production Photography by Brad Wakoff
Production Videography by Keith Forman
To the Academy was most recently showcased at Cornell University in 2023.